10 Self-Care Tips for New Moms - mom with baby

10 Simple Self-Care Tips for New Moms

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How do New Moms Take Care of Themselves?


The transition to motherhood can be one of the most challenging transitions in a woman’s life. In response, there are a number of self-care practices that new moms can take up in order to care for themselves.

Mothers may try to take some time for themselves when they need it, they may rest when they feel tired, they may speak their truth without feeling guilty, and they may use their intuition as a guide in decision-making.

Taking care of yourself as a new mom is vital and important. Never forget the airplane mask analogy. Put your mask on first so you can be the best mom to your newborn baby. As you continue reading this post, you will find ideas for self-care tips for new moms.

What is Self-Care


Self-care includes a variety of activities that involve taking care of one’s self. For new moms, even personal hygiene is a form of self-care, because finding the time to do the things you normally used to do is challenging.

In finding self-care activities that work for you, you are making sure your needs are met and your well-being is a priority so you feel loved, whole, and connected. Self-care is essential for self-worth and mental health as well.


Why is it a Challenge to Find Time for Self-Care as a New Mom?


After the baby comes, your life changes drastically. Instead of caring for only yourself, you are now responsible for this adorable, helpless little baby that in some cases doesn’t like to sleep for long periods of time and may cry frequently.

Often new moms are low on sleep and energy, so self-care becomes a low priority as you whisk through the day making bottles or nursing, changing diapers, and other things new moms do like pumping. extra laundry, and extra dishes.

It can be a difficult transition and can overwhelm even the strongest minds. Therefore, finding ways to practice good self-care is essential for a healthy mental balance.


What do new moms need for themselves?


According to Very Well Family, self-care helps you maintain your sense of self-worth.

In order to feel loved and taken care of one’s basic needs must be met. Find something you can let go of, and keep doing the things you love and enjoy.

Some ideas of what new moms need are as follows:

  • healthy food
  • sleep
  • clean clothes
  • showers
  • bubble baths
  • quiet time
  • someone to listen
  • reading time

These are some, but not all of the things a new mom needs. As you continue reading you will find tips and hacks to take care of yourself as a new mom.

Feeling overwhelmed, mama? Take advantage of this free self-care guided journal to help you attend to all of your self-care needs:

How can I be a mom without losing myself?


Often with life changes, we change as a person. That can mean growth for the better, but it is also important to remember who you were before becoming a mom and keep those important aspects of your life that bring you joy.

As with most things, the most important aspect of self-care is to find what works for you. For some, that means finding a mommy group to attend, for others, it might be finding a new hobby. It’s also not uncommon for moms to lean on their spouse or partner more during this time.

As with any major life change, it can be hard to find your footing when you are in the midst of it all. But with time and patience, most moms come out on the other side feeling like themselves again.

You can also check out this other post I wrote for more ideas: How to Rediscover Yourself After Motherhood

As you continue reading, use these tips to help you find the best self-care ideas that work for you as a new mom.

10 Self-Care Tips for New Moms


1) Get Out of the House

Whether it’s volunteering for your favorite organization or signing up for a class you’ve been interested in, making time for yourself will help you feel more energized.

A lot of people say no to activities for different reasons, but each one of those is avoidable. Stop saying no to opportunities because of these reasons:

  • It’s not your style
  • It was too expensive
  • You don’t have the time
  • You’re not good enough for it

It is easy to find excuses when you have a new baby and take your time if you are feeling tired, but try saying yes to some things that you know you’ll enjoy.

2) Create a Strong Support System

Lean on family members, friends, and colleagues when you need them most. They will be able to provide the support that maybe you don’t have the time or energy to give yourself.

The best way to deal with issues in your life is to lean on those around you. You can turn to family, friends, and colleagues for help. They are the people who are there for you no matter what.

We all need support now and then. It’s not always easy to find the right person or people that we can lean on, but it’s worth doing because they will be there for you when you need them most.

This section gives advice on how to create a strong support system during difficult times in your life. This includes leaning on family members, friends, and colleagues when you need them most so that they will be there for you no matter what.

3) Exercise Regularly


There are many benefits to regular exercise. It can be done in a group setting, with friends, or by yourself. It’s not just the physical benefits that are important either. Exercise has been shown to help with mood, sleep patterns, focus, and productivity.

4) Get Enough Sleep


Sleep is one of the most important things you will need in order to keep going. On those sleepless nights that turn into days, make sure to take a nap or take turns with your partner getting up with your baby. Sleep deprivation is harmful to your overall well-being, but it is hard to avoid if your baby doesn’t sleep through the night yet.

With my first child, we tried sleep training. I was not a fan and it did not feel natural to me. When we had our second baby, I found it much easier to let him sleep with me so I could nurse without having to get up out of bed. It gave me a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep for which the entire family was much happier.


5) Don’t Forget About Date Night


Keeping a connection with your spouse is also important when you have a new little blessing in your home. This one will take some effort because it is so easy to let your relationship slide as you put the needs of your child first. But the baby needs a happy mommy and daddy, so date night is still important.


6) Eat Well


Eating well is essential to feeling well. If you are cramming junk food in your mouth because you have no time, consider planning a shopping pick-up that will include some healthy choices. If you are nursing, this will be great for your baby too.

It isn’t always easy to eat healthy after having a baby. In fact, most days you are engulfed in laundry, feeding, changing diapers and this can take up your entire day.

Try to dedicate one nap time a week to creating a healthy meal plan and add it to your grocery pick-up list so you or your spouse can swing by and pick it up.

Make it easy for yourself to eat healthily and leave the junk food at the store.

If you are short on time try some healthy snacks such as Kind bars or


7) Peace and Quiet Time


Everyone needs peace and quiet in their lives, especially new moms. It is important to just be alone with your thoughts and take some time for your self enjoy the peace and quiet. As a new mom, this may only be possible during nap time, but if you have help or family close by, let them watch the baby while you take a peaceful walk or sit in a park for a while. Enjoy the serenity.


8) Adult Time


If you are a new mom, it is essential to continue and maintain relationships with other adults. If you are at home with a baby all day with no one else to talk to, it can feel isolating. Although it isn’t always easy to find time, it is worth it to get out of the house and hang out with friends. Try planning a lunch date on a weekend when your spouse or partner is available, or call on that tribe of the family to babysit. Try to plan something at least once a week. You will feel refreshed and revived and be a better mom for it.

9) Educate


Spend some time educating yourself and keeping your mind sharp. Read up on self-care for moms, personal development, and baby care.

10) Be Kind to Yourself


Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace. Nothing will be perfect as a new mom and that is okay. What really matters is that you are taken care of so you can better take care of your baby. Treat yourself as if you were a dear friend, close relative, or anyone you would love to take care of. Give yourself love every day and stay positive. Try picking one self-care activity you can do each day to help you feel taken care of and loved. One thing I would do is put my makeup on, even if I wasn’t going anywhere. My makeup is something that made me feel normal and I love beautiful colors of lipgloss and eyeshadow. So putting on makeup was therapeutic. However, if make-up is not your thing, find something else you love that doesn’t take too much effort with a newborn that you can do for yourself every day.


Self-Care Tips for New Moms


Having a baby is life-changing, so remember that during this big transition, you must also take care of yourself and feel whole. These self-care tips for new moms will give you the boost you need to remember the most important person, you. Do not feel selfish for taking time for yourself. Your baby will have a better mom for it. It is okay to leave your baby and go out for a few hours with friends or your hubby. Your baby will be okay and you will feel happier and less stressed. Take time for yourself each and every day.


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