Self-Care Activities for a Bad Day

Self-Care Activities for a Bad Day

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Are you having a bad day, mama? We have all been there and really, we are all just doing our best. If you are having a particularly bad day today, check out these self-care activities to help turn your day around.

Self-Care Activities for a Bad Day


What is Self-Care?


Self-care is an important part of taking care of yourself and should be practiced daily so you can feel whole, loved, and taken care of. Different forms of self-care can be physical, emotional, social, and creative. It is best to find at least one area that you can practice every day, if not more.

Self-care is so important, but especially if you are a mom. Moms frequently put others first and after becoming a mom it is common to lose your old identity. This can leave us feeling depressed or anxious.

Not to mention, being a mom is a rewarding job, but it is also an exhausting job. And on a bad day, we may not feel at our best. Perhaps you had a  fussy baby last night or your toddler is throwing a tantrum for the 10th time today. If you are running on no sleep, these things can seem like the worst thing in the world at that moment.

However, life is all about perspective and we can find joy in the little things and practice gratitude, we can overcome these feelings of overwhelm and carry on with our day, even if it seems it is not starting off well.

If you are having a bad day, here are some tips to help you find some joy by using self-care and self-love today and always.


#1 Watch Your Favorite Funny Movies/Shows


Find something that will make you laugh. I have my go-to shows and also keep a video on my phone of my son dancing on the beach which always brings a smile to my face.

If you are having a horrible day, find a way to watch your favorite shows. You can make time when your baby is napping or if you have older children, give them some playdough and watch your show on a tablet with headphones if it isn’t “kid-friendly.”

Here are some of the top shows that always make me laugh:


  1. The Office
  2. Anything by Adam Sandler
  3. Old episodes of Friends
  4. Mall Cop
  5. Modern Family

Try to avoid anything that will make you sad or anxious such as dramas or action movies. Find something new on Netflix, Hulu, or Television you can binge-watch. Laughter is the best medicine and can totally change your mood and make you feel better even when you are having a terrible day.

#2 Get Out of the House


Watching movies is great, but sometimes getting out of the house is just what you need to change your perspective. If you are a stay-at-home mom it may feel like the walls are closing in on you at times. It is best to get out of the house. even if it is just for a walk around the block. I used to pack my baby up in the stroller and go out and enjoy the sunshine.

Other ideas are having a girl’s night out or doing something out of your comfort zone to take your mind off things.

Socializing and meeting with friends can help you change your day. If you are a working mama, try to meet co-workers for a happy hour after work.

#3 Spend More Time with Friends and Family


Being alone with little ones all day can be fun, but it is nice to talk to other adults. You may feel like being alone is the best when you are feeling down, but there is something about being around others that helps boost mood and gives you that social interaction you may be missing.

Find positive people and surround yourself with them. Obviously, hanging out with toxic people will not improve your mood and these are people you should avoid even when you are not having a bad day. But on a bad day, they can complicate things and drain the small amount of energy you have left. If you are feeling drained after being around someone, they may have a toxic effect on you and it is best to stay away as much as possible.

Yet, find people you find comfort in being around and perhaps other moms that understand what you are going through.

I joined a moms club after having my two boys and it was one of the best decisions. You can often find these mom’s groups on Facebook. My group was awesome in that there were playdates Monday – Friday and you could just show up.

It didn’t matter if you were having a hard time getting out of the house and you were going to be ten minutes late. There were always other moms there that understood. I highly recommend finding a mom tribe. Consider joining my Facebook Group: Mama Take Care – A tribe of moms practicing self-care.


#4 Meditate For 10 Minutes


If you are still having a bad day, try meditation or prayer. I find meditation revives me and I often feel happier and have more energy even after just a short meditation. You can try guided meditation and find videos on YouTube or just find a quiet place and find your zen. I prefer guided meditation as I am fairly new to meditation and it helps me stay focused and grounded, but do what works best for you.  You can find a mantra to repeat or clear your mind and sit in silence. Meditation has been scientifically proven to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. (source: American Psychology Association)

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Use These Self-Care Activities for a Bad Day


Self-Care When You Are Having a Bad Day Final Thoughts…


If you are having a bad day, using self-care can help boost your mood and help you feel positive and whole again. Having bad days as a mom is tough because you still have little ones you are responsible for and have to take care of. So it is best to find ways to boost your mood these days. Try the tips listed above and here’s wishing you are able to turn your bad day around.

Make sure to check out the Mama Take Care Printable Shop for all of your self-care needs!

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8 thoughts on “Self-Care Activities for a Bad Day”

  1. These are great ideas ! Thank you for sharing ! I’m a stay at home mom and I definitely feel the waves of I need adult conversation, to break up some of the day ! These are helpful:)

  2. These are quick great tips for moms. One of my go-to pick me ups – go out for a nature walk. I need more reaching out chats with other moms. Thanks for sharing!

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