5 Steps to Start Your Week Off Right
If your weekend wasn’t what you had intended, it is best to turn things around with the start of a fresh week. Especially if you are a mom and don’t want to rub any negativity off on the kiddos.
A bad weekend can cause tension and stress, and that’s not the “mom” look you are going for, right?
So in order to help you get your week get off to a good foot, use these life-changing, yet simple, tips to help your feet get out of bed and do a little happy dance this Monday.
I remember feeling the Monday blues often after having a not-so-stellar weekend. With my gut feeling already in the low-vibe zone, it is hard to get ahead and have a phenomenal week, which is what I am striving for. So it is best to turn those Monday blues around with some positive thoughts and intentions using some careful planning.
5 Steps to Start Your Week Off Right, When You Ended the Weekend Wrong
Learn to have a great week every week with these sought-after weekly planning hacks:
#1 Plan Your Week
Yes, plan, plan and plan some more… I love my planner and I have to admit – I am an old fashion type of girl and I like my paper planner. Yet, I realize we live in the days of technology, so some prefer using digital planners or spreadsheets to stay organized.
Whatever your pleasure, using a planner can help you remember important dates when it’s your turn to bring a snack to pre-school, and also, plan for your downtimes so you know what is going on every minute. Planning can help leave those “YIKES! I have to bring a snack to the soccer game” moments as a thing of the past because you will be well prepared in advance. Less stress? Yes, please!
You can use time-blocking to help you get a handle on things like chores or errands. For example, jot in your planner 1 PM-3 PM grocery shopping or 5-5:30 make dinner. This helps you see what your entire day will look like.
Also, I like to plan in resting times throughout the day, but hey, you may be more ambitious than me! haha
** Make sure to check out the planners in the Mama Take Care Printable shop!!
#2 Frontload
First of all… What is front loading? Have you heard of frontloading your day?
This is a term not intended to make you load the dishwasher or laundry, but you may want to do these chores first if you want to front-load your day.
Front loading your day means getting the harder tasks out of the way so you aren’t bombarded with chores during more difficult times, like when your little one comes home from school and only wants his/her mom for the next hour. We all know that isn’t the best time to go fold laundry.
However, if you start your morning by putting dishes away, you can add dishes to the dishwasher throughout the day and save yourself a step. Also, try adding one load of laundry to the washer each morning and come back later to put it all in the dryer. Do a quick wipe of the bathroom, so you never have a bathroom-disaster mess to clean up that will take for-EVER!
Try making your bed so you feel a small sense of accomplishment and have a nice, clean place to relax later.
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#3 Good Time Management
Often times we hear others complain of “not having enough time.” Yet, if you feel you are always in this situation, you may need to tweak your time management skill or learn to say “NO” to things so you can prioritize what you need in your life.
Part of self-care is putting your needs first. So learning to say no to things you don’t really want to do, but are only saying “yes” because you feel guilty or want the person to like you is key. Doing this will leave you feeling burned out and resentful.
Take a look at your schedule this week and see if there is anything that fits this mold above. If so, cancel. You can say something came up and it did. You learned to set boundaries and take care of yourself first. Yes, you are a busy woman!
Also, learn to use your time wisely. Try adding up the time you spend scrolling on social media or watching t.v. I get it. We all need to relax, but can you plan an hour in the morning to take care of yourself and an hour in the evening to binge your favorite show? If you are spending four hours or more on time-sucks, tweaking how you spend your time is a must.
Again, use the planner and time-blocking method above to get started and try it for a few weeks. Try journaling how you feel at the end of each week and note if things seem to be running more smoothly for you.
#4 Keep Your Promises to Yourself
Once you start mastering time management and using your planner to your benefit, it is time to start keeping the promises you make to YOU. Sure, you keep promises to your kids and bend over backward trying to keep promises to your spouse, so what is left for you?
Often moms make a promise to take a walk or work out, but then put it on the lowest priority of the “to do ” list. And lets’ face it, it often gets skipped with thoughts of “I will do it tomorrow.” and then tomorrow become next week and so on. You get the point.
If we want to have an amazing week, we need to prioritize our needs which means keeping promises to ourselves is a MUST.
If you decide you want to get in shape to feel better about yourself, then set a timer and take a ten-minute walk.
If you need a break, make a lunch date with a friend or go to a coffee house to enjoy some peace away from your home. All of these promises are just as important as the promise you made to take your kiddo to the park.
You matter too, mama! Start treating yourself like you do!
Related Self-Care Posts:
- Creative Ways to Practice Self-care
- 5 Types of Self-Care for Moms
- Journaling Tips and Prompts
- How to Rediscover Yourself After Motherhood
- 10 Self-Care Tips for Moms
- How to Start Your Morning Off Right
- Self-Care Affirmation to See Self-Care is NOT selfish
- 10 Wellness Tips While Working From Home
- Evening Self-Care Routine
- How to Avoid Overwhelm as a Stay-at-Home Mom
- How to Wake up Earlier for More Self-Care
- 7 Tips to Avoid Mom Burnout
#5 Get Rid of Negatives
If you can start the week off on a positive note and look at it as a fresh start, you and your family will be better off.
I find the best way to get rid of negatives is to start my morning with some positive affirmations.
I also enjoy watching motivational videos on Youtube or reading something positive every morning (or afternoon depending on what my agenda is.) I teach online in the morning so I don’t always have time for reading or videos until later, but I find it is best to start the day off this way and it will carry over into everything you do that day.
Here are some of my favorite positive affirmations you can copy. Post theses on the mirror where you get ready and say them often:
- I matter.
- I am worthy.
- I am a good mom.
- I am a good wife (partner).
- I love myself.
I also love these positive books:
- The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
- The Secret – Rhonda Byrne
- You are a Badass – Jen Sincero
- The Gift of Imperfection – Brene’ Brown
- Unleash the Power Within – Tony Robbins
Related Personal Development:
How to Increase Your Energy Levels
How to Develop a Growth Mindset
How to Start Your Week Off Right Final Thoughts…
Learn to start your week off on the right foot, even if your weekend did not go so well. You can use the tips above to have a positive week and focus on your needs too. Use a planner to stay organized and make sure to repeat your affirmations often. You are worth it and make sure to take care of yourself each and every day, mama.